Embracing Our Differences: Girls of Color and Physical Differences 

Visibility is a program of Complexity Talk Radio,Inc.

         Because your voices are important and must be heard!


Date:                          Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Time:                          8:00 PM EST

Show Title:               Embracing Our Differences: Girls of Color and Physical Differences 

Listener Line:            323-642-1562  (listeners may call to ask questions, comment or share)


Episode Description:

 It is paramount that girls, pre-teens and teens of color with physical differences and disabilities are embraced psychologically, emotionally, physically and socially with a focus on their well-being and growth.  

Join Dr. Culbreth and guest, Ms. Brenda Scott-Coleman, author of Bren-Dee: A Child Who Survived On Bookmarks and The Girl With Many Faces for a discussion on how physical differences and disabilities affect children psychologically, emotionally, physically and socially. Topics include how being treated differently by other children can affect self-love, self-esteem, self-identity, self-respect and self-pride; love and nurturing, teachers, family, community members, medical care, adversity, race and color, paper dolls, creating your world, bookmarks, faith, prayer,  making friends, and inner beauty, among other topics. The discussion will also focus on Ms. Scott-Coleman’s best-selling books The Girl With Many Faces, a children’s book about a little girl with physical differences and Bren-Dee: A Child Who Survived On Bookmarks. Learn how Bren-Dee survived “school days that were hell and hospitals that became heaven.”


Ms.Benda Scott-Coleman


Ms. Brenda Scott-Coleman is a retired international trade specialist and the designer of CHANGE-A-LETS, a unique earring for women who cannot wear traditional earrings. She is also the author of Bren-Dee: A Child Who Survived On Bookmarks, a story about the challenges she faced as a child with facial differences and how she fought that adversity. Her latest book The Girl With Many Faces was written for children who have difficulty making friends. Her most important goal in life now is to reach out o children with differences, praying that her stories will be an inspiration to them. She also hopes that her stories will teach children that we are all difference in our own way.


To contact Ms.Scott-Coleman for speaking engagements please complete the form below:




Episode Link:           



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